Sunday, June 12, 2011

Me at 27

Dear Me-At-27,

My my my, how you have grown.  Maybe not so much in the waistline (I think you're still the same there), but that's okay - you lose it all when you turn 42 anyway, so you can save your energy for more important things.

I am so proud of you for finally making it out of school.  I know it's been a bit of a shock to you to be out in the "real" world since you've been in school since you were 3 years old, but now its time to get down to business.

Why haven't you taken over the world yet?
Honestly.    I know you said that you were slowly going to take over one batch of brownies at a time but I didn't think you were serious.  I guess you were.  Fancy that.  Anyhow, don't be afraid to make a stand when you need to and to stand down when you ought to.  You'll come to find in this world there are those Heavenly Father will need you to help and others to pave the way for.  You may not be able to help everyone, but you need to try.  You were blessed with so much - a loving family who has provided multiple opportunities for you, an education, a many gifts - that it is imperative you thank the source of all this goodness by giving to those who need them more than you do.

As you get further into the "real" world, don't forget to dance.  I sound foolish telling YOU this, but at the same time, I know how you get when you don't dance, and you're more use to me when you're happy.  So stop pussy footin' around.

On that same token, you need to trust your heart.  When your heart and your mind are in sync, the world sings, no matter how hard or how horrible.  When one of them gets out of balance, that's when trouble begins, but you already know that.  True, you haven't been dealt the kindest of those particular lots, but in the grand scheme of things you have nothing to complain about. Your time will come and when it does, expect to see your mind and heart to sync and sing like you've never felt before.  You'll know it when you feel it.

But a serious matter.  You need to buckle down.  You know what you need to do and the consequences of not following through are unfathomable.  You were blessed with a degree of wisdom, you've gained some more and now its time to stop forgetting what you've learned.  You're much too valuable to the work and what a glorious work you have ahead of you.

So...darling Me-At-27, the extra mile is down that way.  Lead on.

Much love.       Me.

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