Wednesday, May 28, 2003

YAY! Today's Ashley's B-day!!! YAY!!!! TIIIIIIM!!!!! I WAS RIGHT! Dont tease me like that, I called her on the 26th thinking I was a horrible friend, being mistaken for all these years, only to find out....I was right the first time!!! NAH!! =^P I have vented. Quirky day at the office, I was kinda off my rocker a little and I blame it on the Crimson Wave. I hate that thing. UGH! The pinnacle of the off-ness was while Amy and I were walking out of Circle K with drinks for the office and the unruly drink holder shifted, dumping all but the Dr's drink.....right outside the door. It was classic. Naturally I was half laughing, half embarrassed, half horrified. Amy and I were like, Okay now's a good time to leave..... Next on the list was when Tom thought he could shove me and have it no... I pinned him against the lab counter and doorway, shoving the mini fridge back into its cubby hole about 5 in. in the process. Yes, my quads and calves are really strong...its just a matter of maturly controlling them when you call me out. I mean, its like jumping infront of a growling pitbull. There's just not stopping it so why even bother. Rest of the day went along alright, nothing else major. But something funny did happen. Apparently we have these food-handlers one-size-fits-all plastic hand gloves *for patients who're allergic to latex* and just for fun I used them to re-package Amy's useee. And Ash, I'll bring by your card tomorrow, workin on dinner and stuff, and I wanted to get you a small bouquet of flowers...good flowers. And the DVD's in the mail...or at least it should be. Anywho! you all have a great day, and I see you lata.

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