Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Quote Board:

Quotes taken from friends and various forms of media that I just love. Enjoy.

"Friendly and humanitarian
Honest and loyal
Original and inventive
Independent and intellectual"

"You are a naughty word!" - Jen Nordyke

"Don't play me like I don't know you and what you're capable of." - Taylor Nuttall in ref to our Scrabble game.

"I'm not going to let you bust my bubble with facts and knowledge." - Dale Friesen "My grammar isnt sucks." "well you mind his mind and I'll drive 26 hours and take care of his behaviour." "I am respectful, but it's not something I "be""

[Dedicated photographers] make luck a consistent part of their work by being at the right place at the right moment, being technically proficient and able to anticipate, translate and use the light to their purposes. - paraphrase of a statement by Galen Rowell

"Humility is the realization that not everything that happens in life is all about you." - Rabbi Kushner

"Cleanliness becomes more important when godliness is no longer an option." - PJ O'Rourke

"Rudeness is a weak man's imitation of strength" - Eric Hoffer

"Is not general incivility the very essence of love?" - Jane Austen

"Charrrred fing-aaahhs" - Crow T. Robot, MST3K's "Manos, Hands of Fate"

"Learning doesn't always feel good." - Dr. Lebec

"I look at patients like a campsite....I leave them exactly the way I found them." - Dr. Warren

"I believe the best test of our integrity and honesty is when we personally enforce in our own lives that which ultimately cannot be enforced." - David A. Bednar

"Is it bad if you can't see?" - Holly calling me after her..."accident"

"Hey, we're not baking cookies, coach." - PJ Rovinelli

"I read about it on the internet" - one of Dylan Westfall's main modes of information.

"Yeah, if it works, it works really well, but if it doesn't, then you end up playing with two sticks." - Dylan Westfall

"I didn't get shot, the bullet just ended up there. Why do you laugh? I bet McPOIL doesn't have stories about getting shot!" - Dr. Warren

"Hey, just out of curiosity, were you ever shot?" Kate to Dr. McPoil

"It's old. Old, old, old. It's got pillars and old things" - Dr. Warren describing Johns Hopkins.

"Life's good, huh?" - McPoil

"It's a cute little muscle" - Dr. Cornwall

"He's not a world class athlete like the cameraman." - Dr. DeRosa covering for Jim Porterfield

"Logic says..." - McKenzie via DeRosa

"Walking has been associated with social acceptance" - Dr. Carter

"That stuff takes so long! It leaves you standing in the bathroom, naked, with nothing to do." - Holly Goodman, venting about a special shampoo.

"Oxygen delivery is the delivery of oxygen" - Dr. Warren

"then we made out like bandits because bandits make out a lot with each other in a very banditly fashion. yeah add that one to your quote wall[!]" - James Taylor

"I don't really feel like teaching yet, so I'll ease you into this story." - Dr. Lebec

"And by 'we', I mean me and the slide." - Dr. Ganley

"And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once." - Friedrich Nietzsche.

Jen: "Seriously... today she call me out of the blue this was our conversation..."
Kate: (laughs)
Jen, it's me Lilly.
Hi Lilly
I love you jen
I love you too Lilly
Jen please come to my house tomorrow.
I can't I have to work
I'm more important so you need to"
Kate: (laughs even more)
"I think that should be one of our conversaitons."
Jen: "For sure!!!
Kate it's me jen
Hi jen
Please come to my house soon
I have to work
Kate I'm more important please come!"

Dr. Lydgate: "If I could reveal something about the primitive tissue that underlies all life - you, me, a song thrush, Rosamond Vincy - that's what excites me, Farebrother."
Farebrother: "Have you told her this?"
Dr. Lydgate: "Oh no, of course not, she's a woman." - From George Eliot's "Middlemarch"

"I keel you!" - Ahkmed

"That's just my style - JAAAZZZYYYYYY" - Jake Lashot...

Direct transcript of an exchange I recently had with Sean Varga who was calming a 6 wk old child:

Kate: has he been fed? diaper changed? have you tried walking him?
Sean: yep....in law gave t[o] me because everything else failled
Kate: when's his bed time?
Sean: he won't sleep. he woke up from bed time, and is now thinking me as one to lactate. that feels weird"

"sick! wallpaper is satins way of adding sin to walls.
wall papers= eternal damnation" - Mo.

"Sometimes, there are things that aren't meant to be explained by words and reasoning, but are felt and understood just the same."

"Intelligence isn't a crime, it's a gift with a heavy price."

"Mark Twain said, 'the height of vanity is to try to write before you have ever lived', it is very refreshing, for me, to have a moment with someone that is not afraid to do both." - Brian, a photography acquaintance

"One day you will find someone to love you as you deserve." - Lady Russell from the new BBC version of "Persuasion"

"I'm mentally obese..." H. Nathan Hoffman
"Did you notice I'm balancing on the ball? That's provocative. Think about it."

"So I was like...hey..." - Megan Garcia

"But you tell me if he mistreats you in any way!! 'cause his ass will be grass!!" - Melissa Arizola

"Kate, just because there is a goalie, doesn't mean you can't score. ;-)" - JJ Campbell

"The Red Wings are the New York Yankees of hockey. I hate them" - Dale Friesen

"Really, mother, banana pudding without vanilla waffers is just another of your culinary abortions [pushes the bowl off his high chair] Now clean that up." - Stewie from Family Guy.

"Well ain't this place just a geographical oddity - two weeks from everywhere" - O Brother, Where Art Thou

1 comment:

  1. Danine Fisher11:40 PM

    I LOVE IT! Dr. Warren... F-bomb hilarious!
