Friday, May 03, 2024

Seeking "Home"

Our Easter Sunday was Stake Conference as well. Walking into the church, FLOODS of memories, good memories, came back to me as I saw many familiar, well-established faces.  It made me happy to be home.  The thought of being "home" sparks a myriad of feelings and memories for people, and for me, "home" is any place where I feel there is love - not that superficial love, or basic well-meaningness, but real enjoyment of the people and surroundings.

I've come to realize how important this is for me now that my daughter is on her way with my husband overseas.  Over the course of Stake Conference, my thoughts reflected on times when I've recognized feelings of "home".

When I met my husband, he felt like "home".
When he and I moved to Georgia, the Church helped me feel at "home"
When I was in the hospital, the priesthood blessing of comfort I received allowed me to feel "home"
Whenever I read the scriptures, I feel "home"
When I attend the temple, in any capacity, I feel "home"

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