Wednesday, November 05, 2003

So it started to snow again today...ya and it pelted me in the face to AND from TWO of my classes....and they were hours apart. What the HELL is up with this!? LOL This is getting unreasonable, but whatever! But it was an intereseting day. We started Skill Testing in Volleyball which pretty much involves us going through different V-ball Skillz to see if their mad enuff yo. It was kinda boring, but hey, if it helps me fine tune, amen. Chem was interesting because we started Molecular Orbital and Valence Electron theory...TOTALLLY new stuff, but it seems fun. The most interesting part of the day came when my roomie Ada asked me if I wanted to come along to her friend Mitch's birthday at P.F. Changs....hmmm stay at home and do my take home test w/o my notes...or go to P.F. Changs....guess which one won out. ;) COURSE I went to Changs, hell yes! Well the roomies of birthday boy were friends of Ada too so they picked us up. One of them kinda hit on me during the course of the night, but the the paramount moment was when he said I looked like Kate Moss. Now...Im one to accept every compliment I get right off. *pauses and bites lip* But I think Kate Moss was a bit much, especially since she's a supermodel. I to diss the chap, he was interesting enough as is, kinda cute too, but.....*bites lip* Do I LOOK like Kate Moss to you!?!?!?! I dunno, Im just wiggin. But it was a fun night even though he didnt talk to me during dinner, or on the ride home, but whatever. So much for being Kate Moss ROTLFOL I AM SO MEAN!!!!! WHY AM I SO HORRIBLE!?!?!!?!?!? I really am a Shrew

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