Sunday, May 17, 2009


I was recently reading a summary of a biography of Dr. Albert Schweitzer. If you don't know who that is, that's just fine - you're probably my age with parents that aren't as old as mine nor are they in the medical field ( my mother told me about him ). Schweitzer was an individual of deep-rooted spirituality, whose life was dedicated to service - most notably his hospital in West Africa, where he eventually died. He was fueled by the sense "...that we must not regard our lives as belonging to ourselves alone."

...interesting thought... why not?


  1. What a great concept!!! I love that and feel it is so true because our lives are not just ours they are a wonderful gift that was given to us. It's sad that we idly sit back and waste it when so many others could use our talents, love and a shoulder to cry on.
    Sounds as if Dr. Schweitzer had a great grasp on what the Lord intended for us to do with this life.

  2. I agree completely. Personally I feel it ties in to the Atonement. We've been bought through Christ's sacrifices. Therefore we are no longer our own, but really are here to do the Lord's bidding to benefit our brothers and sisters. We should each have an invested interest in their well-being.
