Sunday, December 06, 2009

Things I've noticed about men lately

1. They're just as capable of being as emotionally erratic as women. It's become entertaining to me at how each sex keeps pointing fingers at one another when really we're both doing the same thing just in different ways. Strangely entertaining

2. Poli Sci majors are the most entertaining conversationally, at least for me, because they love to talk about anything, I love to banter, and they're good sports about it.

3. Younger guys have more spirit, but older guys have more maturity and experience. There are a decent amount of pro's and con's to both, and I suppose the advantage goes to whichever trait the situation needs more of.

4. Girls like to dog on science oriented guys, especially physicists, IT, and engineers, for being odd, nerdy, short on emotion and long on awkwardness. While true in many cases, I think I've been spoiled because most of the science-oriented gentlemen I've had the pleasure of knowing are some of my best friends who have the biggest hearts I've yet to know - they're just not as animated as other men, so they often get dismissed as a result. While the case may be made that my present position is secondary to my being a nerdy girl (thereby being on the same plane they are), I'm decently liberal arts oriented, and a girl above all else. I think that alone neutralizes the argument.

5. Men who are serious about dance have a higher incidence of being emotionally vague. I've seen it in two states, spanning multiple cities in both respective locales, and in multiple style-scenes (i.e. ballroom, country, swing, etc). It's hard to be friends when they're trying to decide if they remember you from one week to another, especially if they think they're a better dancer than you. The more skilled ones WILL flirt with any pretty girl, even if they're dating or are interested in someone else, so ladies, keep your wits about you. While I am tonge-in-cheek about this particular observation, it isn't always the case, and I can cite just as many cases for both. Dancers are like engineers, you just need to take them as they are.

6. They're just as scared as women, they're just as quirky as women, and they're just as human as women. Treat them like a human and not like a stereotype.

To be continued...


  1. While I mostly agree with you, I must speak frankly. I do not have any male friends who are erratic in temperament like women are.

  2. Ian, you are a lucky individual to never have had to have faced such an ordeal.

    And to both of you, Jacob and Ian, mind you these are things I've noticed lately - non-global!

  3. wow. impressively spot on. i love you, kate, and i miss you!
